susan in Japan

susan in Japan

Please pray for...

October...15th? Possibly? Maybe it's the 16th..
- Franklin Graham Festival happing in Osaka City on October 22-24th

Sunday, September 12th:
- One of my classes at my Friday church, (Tanabe, in Kyoto Prefecture) has two ladies and the pastor in it. This is a really exciting class, as one of the ladies, Noriko, has been asking tons of great questions about church, and Christianity, and everything related. The pastor told me that it seems that recently this class has changed from being an english class, to something something potentially very very exciting. I truly believe that Noriko will give her life to God, and I ask that you would pray that this class will continue to be a light in these ladies' lives, and that we would use every opportunity to share the truth - without pushing them away.
  So, please pray for:

a) Noriko to come to know the changing power of Christ in her life - her uncle is a Christian, and Pastor Nakamura tells me he's been praying for her to be saved, for years.
b) Kyoko, the other lady in this class, that she too would retain the truth spoken in this class - her best friend is a Christian! Praise God!
c) For Pastor Nakamura and his wife - they have been at this church for many years, and they are in great need of encouragement. I love and appreciate them, a lot. I feel so blessed to be a part of their team.

Please Note: As far as I know, Japan is less than 1% Christian. Different Christian leaders here tell me that to become a Christian here is to be denied by your community - and to deny much of your traditional background (ie. festivals, funerals, and so many things that revolve around Buddhism and Shintoism.) Many Japanese Christians struggle with the throwing away of idol worship. Please pray!